The World’s Oyster? Rethinking Canada as the Globalization Nation

With the G8/G20 meetings about to begin, the attention of the international media will inevitably, if fleetingly, focus on Canada. What kind of impression might be conveyed?

For journalists prepared to eschew the backdrops, sound bites and briefing books and to venture beyond the sterile secure areas, there may be a few surprises.

Even the least intrepid would soon discover that in a world of well-established, pre-packaged national identities, this country is different.

That difference has little to do with beavers or moose, with the cold climate or the scenic attractions.

It is not the place. It’s the people.

No matter where you’re from, if Canada were a mirror, you would see your own face reflected.

And because everyone is here, no one stands out.

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Waging Modern War

The Mark Radio

In the asymmetric conflicts which characterize the age of globalization, diplomats, not soldiers should be on the front lines (with Mercedes Stephenson, Barbara Falk and Donald Savoie).


Making Sense of Intelligence

What’s in a name?

In the lexicon of international relations, key terms such as  intelligence and diplomacy are often bandied about without much regard for their actual meaning.

Diplomacy is a non-violent approach to the management of international relations which features a dedication to dialogue, negotiation and compromise. Since at least the time of Chamberlain in Munich, however, diplomacy has come to be associated with weakness, appeasement, cheap talk and caving in to power.

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